Holy Week at Cross Winds
02.06.25 | News, Articles
Holy Week and Easter at Cross Winds
As we conclude the Lenten Season, we prepare for the final week - Holy Week. Having begun our celebrations with Palm Sunday, we set our hearts towards Easter Sunday. To prepare for the greatest day of the year, we pass through Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. This week, be sure to set aside time in prayer, study, and worship, as we gather with Jesus at the last supper, sit with him at the foot of the cross, await him at the tomb, and prepare for new life to emerge.
Sunday, April 13th – Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, which centers around a triumphant procession where Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey while crowds cheer “Hosanna,” or “Save us.” Join us for Palm Sunday worship as we welcome Jesus, looking to him as our Hosanna, and consider what his saving work means for us today. Potluck brunch following worship at 11:00 am. Bring your favorite brunch food to share.
Thursday, April 17th – Maundy Thursday
5:30 Dinner and worship
Join us for dinner and communion at the tables as we gather for a remembrance of Jesus’ last supper with his disciples. This worship service will not be recorded and is available in-person only. Including dramatic monologues of Jesus’ disciples and music by the choir.
Friday, April 18th – Good Friday Tenebrae Services
Prayer services offered at 12pm and 6:30pm
Gather at the foot of the cross for a traditional Good Friday Tenebrae Service. A Service of Tenebrae, or "Shadows," is an extended meditation on the passion of Christ, featuring readings from the Gospel of John and the extinguishing of candles. Services will be offered at 12pm and 6:30pm.
Sunday, April 20th – Easter
Worship at 8am and 10am
Celebrate Easter at Cross Winds. We have two worship services that are family friendly and ready to bring joy to your Easter. We’ve saved a seat for you.
8am Sunrise Service (in-person only)
Gather in the sanctuary for a simple worship service designed to bring peace, joy, and love to your heart.
10am Easter Worship (in-person and online)
Filled with music, choirs, and all your Easter favorites, this 45-minute worship service is sure to have you shouting Hallelujah!