Our Mission

Cross Winds is committed to partnering with parents in building and expanding spiritual and moral development within our children. We provide a variety of programs and events to foster fun, fellowship, education, service and worship. 

“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:6-7 

Who We Are

We are disciples making disciples. The last thing Jesus said to His followers was to "go and make disciples." As faithful servants, we aim to pass that faith along to others. We believe that we win when kids take a step in owning their own faith. We say "takes a step" because there is no finish line to spiritual growth. It is a journey and no two journeys are the same.  All our leaders are screened, trained and dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of children.  

What We Offer

We are committed to creating spaces for kids and families to take a journey into deeper relationships with their peers, our adult volunteers and Jesus. Our activities are designed with every kid in mind- the kids who have grown up in church and the first-time visitors too.

2024-2025 Children's Ministry Brochure

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Our Nursery

Our nursery is staffed on Sunday mornings from 9:45-11am during Worship.

From infancy to preschool, we provide a God-centered space filled with love, laughter and learning. Our trained nursery staff and volunteers care for children age 3 and younger. We consider our nursery ministry to be the beginning of your children's spiritual journey and we take great joy in being part of that. 

Seasonal Events

Seasonal Events

Events are hosted several times throughout the year and are designed to encourage connection. Special events are often the place where kids and families walk into our ministry for the first time. Signature events often include activities such as summer Vacation Bible School, fall social events, Christmas programs, winter tubing, and more.

Children's Calendar