Cross Winds Annual Giving Drive
11.12.23 | News, Articles, Finance
As we prepare for the year ahead in ministry, we give thanks that “Every good and perfect gift is from above.” (James 1:17) Your generosity makes it possible for Cross Winds to keep doing all the good we can. We are excited to continue that work together through your support! As we prepare for the future, we ask for your commitment to the 2024 Annual Giving Drive. Information and commitment cards are available at the church office or online. Please return a commitment card or fill out the electronic form by November 12th. By sending in your Annual Giving Commitment, you help us plan for the coming year. Your commitment can be changed and does not set up your donation. It simply tells us what you are planning. Thank you for your ongoing generosity and support. If you have questions regarding annual giving, please contact the Church Office.
We also invite you to the following congregational forums:
- Finance Forum Sunday Oct 22nd (11am) - Opportunity to learn more about the 2023 finances and ask questions about 2024 budget priorities
- Congregational Meeting about Facility Utilization on Oct 29th (11am) - Opportunity to learn more and share your dreams as we continue to articulate our mission, vision, and values with respect to facility usage and future community partnerships.
Thank you for your commitment to Cross Winds.