Capital Campaign Celebration
01.09.25 | News, Articles, Giving Articles, Finance
So All Are Welcome
Three years ago, the people of Cross Winds UMC prayerfully discerned that the time had come to renovate our facility, “So that all are welcome.” This prayerful beginning, fueled by the power of the Holy Spirit, resulted in an incredibly generous capital campaign effort raising over $558,000 collected across these past 3 years. In December 2024, we concluded the Capital Campaign drive and are blessed to report that thanks to your generosity and faithfulness, we received a 98% collection rate of pledges promised in 2022.
Join us in worship on Sunday, January 19 as we celebrate the completion of the campaign. During worship we will consecrate the work done and celebrate the gifts shared. After worship, we will have a further report of the impact of the capital campaign drive during the Church Conference meeting on finances.