Prayer Chain Ministries

    06.19.24 | News, Articles
    Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; persevere in prayer.     ~ Romans 12:12 

    Prayer makes a difference and is a crucial way we show care for one another as Christians. This is why Cross Winds has a prayer chain, a ministry team committed to praying for all prayer requests received through connection cards and email requests by congregation members and friends. 

    The prayer chain is made up of Cross Winds members and those actively involved in the Church. Yearly, the care team will review members of the prayer chain for continued involvement. 

    Prayer chain members are asked to adhere to the following: 

    • Be discrete 
    • Pray often, but authentically when the spirit moves them 
    • Include themselves in the prayer 
    • Do not share prayer request with others 
    • Maintain confidentiality. Reaching out to the prayer requestor is acceptable and a judgement call of the prayer chain member 

     Then length of time for individual prayers is dependent on need and left to the discretion of the person praying. Prayer chain members receive prayer updates via email from the prayer chain coordinator. 

    If you are interested in joining the prayer chain, please contact Pastor Stina.  

    If you would like to submit a prayer request, please contact the church office or email  

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