Feed My Starving Children Partnership - Next Steps
09.18.24 | News, Articles
Planning for April 2026
Cross Winds is a proud partner in the fight against hunger with Feed My Starving Children. In addition to providing volunteers and ongoing financial support, we hosted a special FMSC Mobile Pack in April 2024 which fully funded and packed 540 boxes of food (116,640 meals, 319 Kids fed for a year) which went to an FMSC partner, Food for the Poor in Grenada (affected by the most recent hurricane). We are incredibly grateful for the 500 volunteers who gathered to pack meals as well as all who gave financial donations to fully fund the event. Together we raised over $35,000 to support these meals.
We are excited to announce that our NEXT mobile pack with Feed My Starving Children will be held April 16-18, 2026. Our hope is to work early and expand our reach, multiplying our partnerships and our impact! If you’re interested in serving on the lead team for this next mobile pack or would like to provide sponsorship, please contact Pastor Stina or fill out this interest form.