Cross Winds Kitchen
06.28.23 | News, Articles | by Michelle Schober
We are excited to share that kitchen construction is ending and we are moving in. Thanks to your generous support of the Capital Campaign and our Spring Kitchen Shower, we have been able to build the kitchen sooner than expected AND furnish it with essential items.
We are excited to share that we have completed our inspections and are now able to serve as a fully licensed commercial kitchen. Although it will still take us a few months to get accustomed to the new space and systems, we are delighted to explore with you the new possibilities for ministry and community partnerships that are possible because of this amazing new resource.
An extra word of thanks to everyone who has given generously of their time and talents towards this project. We are truly blessed by the amazing generosity of time, talent, and treasures shared among so many people! For June, we especially want to say a word of thanks to Mike and Jeanine Ronning, Craig Machacek, Michelle Schober, and Paul Crosland who have all been working tirelessly behind the scenes to get this project successfully to the finish line.
Future Capital Campaign Projects – There are more projects coming in 2024. Next projects will focus on building security and the front door access upgrades.