Enlighten Nimba - Gipo Vocational Technical Institute
08.29.23 | Stories, Articles | by Richard Post
The Gipo Vocational Technical Institute, established in 2016, is located in Nimba County, Liberia West Africa. GVTI’s mission is to teach young Liberians employable skills and offer community outreach to the people in Nimba County. Funding to build this school has been supported by several groups, one created by members of Brooklyn United Methodist Church in Brooklyn Center. . Next March, I will be joining the third Brooklyn UMC mission trip (my second), to assist in completing the student dormitory, eliminating the hardship students must suffer just getting to school. Much has been erected since I left, yet more still needs to be done. In 2019, I visited a beautiful country full of extraordinary people, people who were struggling to find employment and a better life. I left Liberia disappointed that I unable to do more to build this institute. I left a school which teaches students to become electricians and an area full of sunlight which could have access to solar power. My greatest role now is to raise the money needed to complete the building and make GTVI fully operational.
Electrifying this part of Liberia will eventually come, even paved roads, yet neither appear to be happening soon. Solar power is being installed in many parts of Liberia. Once installed in GVTI, it would cost little to run. I want to speed that process up so the institute would be properly equipped to house and teach its students while becoming a valuable asset for the surrounding community.
My priority now is to raise money that would complete putting a roof on the dormitory and energize the school. On September 17th , you are invited to attend an informational meeting, after service, at Cross Winds, explaining what Enlighten Nimba offers the Gipo Vocational Technical Institute and learn how you can help. My goal is to raise $25,000 to bring to Liberia, in March, to complete building the dormitory and add a solar energy center. More money still will be needed to create a solar farm. You can message me, Richard Post, at 612-669-2679 or email .
Visit EnlightenNimba.org to find more information about this mission.