2025 Trip to Midwest MIssion

    09.19.24 | News, Articles

    2025 Adult Mission Trip to Midwest Mission Distribution Center

    Located in Pawnee, IL
    TRIP DATES - November 9-13, 2025
    26 spaces available
    Reserve your spot by November 24, 2024
    Join others from Cross Winds for a week of service at Midwest Mission. Located in Pawnee, IL, Midwest Mission serves as a distribution center for relief supplies in the US and internationally. Founded by the United Methodist Church (UMC), they work to show God's love in a practical way to those in need in their time of crisis. At Midwest Mission, they strive to accommodate a wide variety of ability levels, from sit down work to manual labor. While at Midwest Mission, volunteers will: pack kits, sort items, sew, help with mailings, build desks, repair bicycles & sewing machines, or whatever the current requested needs are at the time. 

    Midwest Mission Website

      Midwest Mission Overview Video


    Contact Pastor Stina or trip leader, Mark Biederman with any other questions.

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